As you may be aware, many MNU members are now required to sign a declaration for COVID-19 self-screening, prior to reporting to work. We are advising members that have yet to sign the self-assessment declaration to include the following note:
A Message To Fellow Nurses At HSC
We have been called Heroes and there have been parades of recognition.
Children want NURSE action figures!
The Pandemic has highlighted the work nurses do – the risks we take to provide care, the challenges of providing care in difficult circumstances.
Ultimately we are human beings doing our best in uncertain times and situations.
We ask only for respect, honesty, and recognition for the difficult work we do and the sacrifices we make to do it.
These are unusual circumstances and times. It isn’t a time for real celebrations, but it is the Year of the Nurse and Midwife as well as Nursing Week, so please recognize one another with a smile (under your mask) a kind word or gesture, perhaps a nod of understanding – but take a moment to know that the world is truly a better place because all of you are in it doing what you do.
Thanks for everything you do now and always!
In solidarity
Your Workplace 10 MNU President
Lana Penner
Following weeks of delay, the Pallister government today announced the terms of the new ‘Risk Recognition’ Program. Despite what was announced, it appears that the vast majority of Manitoba’s nurses will not be included in the program.
All nursing classifications are listed as eligible, however, the criteria and income thresholds set by the government exclude the vast majority of nurses. Only a small number of part-time LPNs appear to be eligible, and only if they work significantly less than full time. All RNs, RPNs, NPs, and all full-time nurses appear to be completely shut out.
In order for ease of process if a WCB claim is pursued, MNU is advising all members to document any and all direct interactions with patients that have been confirmed to be positive for Covid-19.
If you are confirmed to be positive for Covid-19, and believe you have been exposed in the course of your work as a nurse; and require time off from work or medical attention due to illness, you must report this to your employer and contact the WCB.
The WCB will need to confirm that you had direct contact with a patient that is/was positive for Covid-19, in the course of your work as a nurse. Therefore, documenting exposure will assist in the adjudication of the claim with the WCB. We encourage nurses to consider these guidelines where they may come into contact with COVID-19 patients, in order to ensure ease of process if a WCB claim pursued:
Wear personal protective equipment provided by the employer. However, if you feel necessary on reasonable basis, that the equipment is insufficient and poses a safety hazard, notify the employer immediately. If the situation is not resolved by the employer, workers may wish to consider exercising their rights under the workplace safety and health act. A link for additional information for unsafe work refusal can be found at the following link:
If you make direct contact with a patient who tests positive for Covid-19, report to your manager, complete a RL6, and include the following details:
- document the date of direct exposure
- the department that you work in
- the care you were providing to the patient
- the personal protective equipment you were utilizing
If you miss time from work or seek medical attention, report to your manager and contact WCB to report the claim.
We hope this information is of assistance during this difficult time. If you have questions or concerns about your rights as an employee, please contact your MNU Labour Relations Officer or Union Representative for assistance.
As the health care system prepares for and responds to the COVID-19 pandemic, many steps are being taken to ensure adequate staffing levels in facilities across the province. This includes measures that are designed to an ensure effective response by allowing employers to redeploy staff to areas of highest need, and still respect the terms of the existing collective agreements and provide for additional compensation to affected staff as required.
Please be advised a Memorandum of Agreement has been reached regarding the redeployment of staff within or between employers. This agreement has been reached with multiple health care unions, including MNU. Click here to read a draft copy of the MOA.
Specifically, the MOA is intended to provide clarity to members regarding the terms of a temporary transfer situation. Please note the MOA is now in effect and will continue in the event a public health emergency or disaster is declared by the government. As per point two (2) of the MOA, members will be continued to be protected by the terms of their collective agreement and the MOA in the event of an emergency declaration.
The MOA ensures that all MNU members will be afforded financial protection and compensation for disruptions related to a temporary transfer. For example, affected staff will receive a work disruption allowance, including for situations where the change in commuting distance is less than 49 kilometres. Additional protections include guarantees for meals and accommodations as required, and reimbursement for mileage at a rate commensurate with the terms of the collective agreement. Please read the MOA for more information.
At this time, the provincial government continues to advise that the risk to Manitobans remains low, and significant redeployment has not yet occurred. However, this remains a rapidly changing situation, and therefore every measure must be taken to ensure employers and staff are prepared for redeployments as necessary.
On behalf of MNU, we thank you for your commitment to caring during this difficult time. The health care system needs you, and Manitobans are counting on us to be part of an effective response. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated, and the union representatives will be available to assist you as required.
Improving Care with Workload Staffing ReportsHave you used the workload staffing report? Watch the video below to learn more about the importance of WSRs for addressing workload issues and improving patient care.
Posted by Manitoba Nurses Union on Wednesday, November 7, 2018
MNU Workplace 10 Executive will be delivering the new forms to all Units. If you do not receive yours, or you require more, please contact the Workplace 10 office at 204-783-4338. If required, Educational sessions can be arranged for on the Units by calling the Workplace 10 office at 204-783-4338.
The Employer has recently circulated a memo to all staff nurses regarding voluntary payout of summer vacation.