Important Things To Know

Article 28 -Promotion and REASSIGNMENT

In the event of a temporary lateral work assignment being necessitated by an unforeseen staffing shortage on a nursing unit a nurse may be reassigned subject to the following condition:

  • Where the reassigned nurse does not have the specific competency for that similar patient/resident/client base, they would only be assigned functional tasks or would work directly with a nurse on that unit.

This lateral work reassignment will be made by the out of scope manager as close to the commencement of the shift as possible.  Selection of the nurse to be reassigned shall be based on ability and experience and shared as equally as possibly.

Orientation will be provided of sufficient duration to assist the nurse in becoming acquainted with essential information such as policies and procedures, routines, location of supplies and equipment,  and fire and disaster plans.

Please advise the Union

Notification to Union of Reassignment

Recovering Nurses United

Contact Information

Successful applicants are posted in Human Resources

– Nurses are entitled to a consult with hiring manager within two (2) weeks of request. It is so that constructive feedback can be given to nurse who was unsuccessful with the process.

New 3006 – (c)

In accordance designed to ensure predictability schedule where you are returning to should term end prior to start of vacation This provision ensures that a nurse may book vacation selections with the unit he/she is returning to.

Article 7A04

Report abuse within 96 hours – respectful workplace/zero tolerance . This is an important aspect in our collective agreement and requires your help…Let your Union know if you have been abused in the work place.


Secondment to Educational Institution
Paid leave of absence to be a part of nurse education programs
– Allows nurse to move without loss of employment status, seniority or benefit accruals to work temporarily for nursing education institutions. This is a benefit to nurses and the healthcare system.

2413 Pre-Retirement Leave

Pre-Retirement leave payments made in a lump sum or continuation of salary or as a combination. New language which can help the retiree manage assets.