As per the Memorandum from MNU:

In advance of the 50th Anniversary Annual General Meeting, we are collecting submissions for the Passages tribute video that will be shared at the in-person meeting.

To honour to the nurses that we have lost in the past year, we are calling on Regional/Local/Worksite Presidents to assist. If you know of a nurse we have lost, kindly send the name and photo (if possible) to our Communications Team at As it is very important to us that we don’t miss anyone, we greatly appreciate your assistance.

The process of creating the tribute video takes time, therefore the deadline for the names and photos is Tuesday, March 25th, 2025, at 4pm. Anything sent after that date, will be included in the 2026 tribute.


If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our Comms Team at


In solidarity,

Darlene Jackson


Manitoba Nurses Union

Worksite 10 Call For Nominations for the following positions are open for election!

  • Vice-President: Two (2) Year Term commencing May 1st, 2025
  • Secretary/Treasurer Two (2) Year Term commencing May 1st, 2025
  • Three (3) Centre Unit Reps – General, Childrens & Psych: Two (2) Year Term commencing May 1st, 2025
  • Ten (10) Voting Delegates for the 2024 Provincial Annual General Meeting (Being held May 2025)


Job descriptions are available upon request or in attached package.

Tickets are also available for Worksite 10’s AGM for $25.00. Tickets are available from any Executive Member or at the Worksite 10 Office.




Call For Nominations For Provincial MNU Executive Officers

As per the MNU Constitution, Executive Officers are to be elected from general membership for a two (2) year term by voting delegates at the Annual General Meeting.

The position(s) of Vice-President and Secretary-Treasurer are to be elected at the 2025 AGM.


Please refer to the MNU Handbook available on the member portal, under SECTION C – THE PEOPLE, for more information:

• Criteria for Nominations to Executive Officer positions
• Role of the Vice-President & Secretary-Treasurer
• Responsibilities of the Vice-President & Secretary-Treasurer
• Nominations
• Rules for Campaigning and Electioneering for Executive Officer Positions
• Campaigning Process
• Voting

For more information and/or nomination forms, please contact the Worksite 10 Office.

Extension of an 8 Hour Shift to a 12 Hour Shift

As follow up to the General Meeting held October 28, 2024 via Zoom at 1600 hours

Employer’s Memo Included:

Overtime Clarification

Due to some inconsistent practices across the Centre, clarification was provided with regards to overtime and shift length with regards to part-time employees in units with 12-hour shift patterns.  Please note that the below change is effective immediately.

  • Part-Time nurses who are offered a 12 hour pick up-shift, initially agree to work part of the shift (most often 8 hours), then later agree to work the remaining hours, where the nurse is not in an OT situation, they are not eligible for OT for the remainder of the 12h shift.  They are only eligible for OT if they work past the 12h shift or if they are at an excess of full time hours in the 4 week block.  (This is per the collective agreement- MNU MOA 24).


The Union was advised by members of the above memo.

The Union served notice to the Employer that should the nurse only be able to contract to complete the 1st 8 hours and then the Employer asks the nurse to stay for the final 4 hours, those final 4 hours will be at overtime rates.  Should a nurse voluntarily stay at the request of the Employer they should clarify with the Employer the pay will be at overtime rates as per the Union’s position on this matter.

Should the nurse only be paid at straight time the Union would require the following pieces of evidence before proceeding and including but not limiting to:

1)    A narrative of the conversation that took place, date, time and name of the Manager/Supervisor you spoke with.

2)      The hours from the electronic payroll hours showing what you worked for date in question.

3)    A copy of your pay statement showing the rate of pay you received for said shift in question.

This year’s Fall Education Conference will be held on October 22-23/2024 at the Fairmont Hotel in Winnipeg.  The two day event will offer a unique opportunity to learn, network with colleagues, and make some great memories!

If you are interested, please submit your name, personal email, personal phone number and Unit you work on to no later than August 6, 2024.

MNU Worksite 10 is hosting an In-Person Information Session presented by Lana Penner, PCBC on the final offer of tentative collective agreement for Shared Health employees.

DATE:   July 3, 2024

TIME:  1600 – 2100

PLACE:  Canada Inn – Ambassador A (720 William Avenue)