Attention members!

MNU’s Provincial Collective Bargaining Committee (PCBC) is pleased to announce that a tentative agreement has been reached for nurses in the Central Table bargaining units. This agreement has been unanimously supported by the committee in record time, and is recommended for ratification.

As with the previous agreement, educational webinars will be held for further clarification. Only those nurses who hold a Central Table bargaining unit position are eligible to vote and participate in the webinars. If you are uncertain of your status relative to Central Table, a list of Central Table Employers will be made available behind the MNU portal.

Eligible nurses must pre-register to participate in the webinars. Updates for registration instructions will be provided in the near future, please watch for updates.

The webinar schedule is as follows:

Thursday, May 9th at 1300, 1600 and 2000
Friday, May 10th at 800, and 1300
Monday, May 13th at 800, 1300, 1600 and 2000
Tuesday, May 14th at 800, 1300, 1600 and 2000
Wednesday, May 15th 800, 1300 and 1600

Please note, the vote will commence on May 16th at 0001 hours and end Friday, May 17th at 1600.

If you do not have a current email on file, you will not receive a link to vote. Please make sure your contact information is accurate and up to date.

Congratulations Shelley Trapp-Armstrong elected to the position of President MNU Worksite 10 for the term starting May 1st, 2024 to April 30th, 2026.

Congratulations to Lydia Danilis seconded to the position of Vice-President MNU Worksite 10 for a one (1) year term beginning May 1st, 2024 to April 30th, 2025.

MNU Worksite 10 Members

Tickets are available but limited for the Annual General Meeting

March 21, 2024

Yeti Cups will be given out

Join in on saying farewell to Lana Penner!!!!

Date:  Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Place:  Canad Inns (Ambassador A)

Time:  0630 – 2200


MNU taking part in 2023 Pride Winnipeg Parade

Pride Winnipeg will be celebrated this year during the week of May 26 to June 4, and MNU will once again be walking in the parade on Sunday, June 4.

This is our first parade since before the pandemic, so we are aiming for a strong showing of MNU members, friends and family!

We are asking Local/Worksite Presidents to please help us get the word out, so that as many members as possible can join us for the parade.

Here are the details:

We are asking members to please be at the assembly location of Memorial Park for 10 a.m. Marshals for our MNU walking group will be there with bright flags, so we should be easy to spot, but just in case, the MNU parade entry number is 74 and we will be located in aisle E.

There will be a rally at the Manitoba Legislature at 10 a.m. and then the parade will get underway at 11 a.m. starting at Memorial Park, right across the street from the Legislature.

The route begins at Memorial and York, then heads north on Memorial to Portage Avenue, turns east until Main Street, then continues on William Stephenson Way and ends at The Forks.

We have created a Facebook page that you can share to your Local/Worksite pages, here is the link:

If you or your members have any questions, please contact

Since the government’s announcement earlier this month, we have heard from many MNU members that the current incentives do not address certain significant areas of nursing and nursing needs.

We know that we have well over 2,000 vacant nursing positions currently in our province. As our President Darlene Jackson has clearly stated, these new incentives are “a positive first step,” but more needs to be done in order to ensure effective and comprehensive measures are in place to properly address our dire nursing shortage in Manitoba.

For those of you that wish to send your concerns to the Health Minister, the Premier, and your MLA, please check behind the MNU Portal for some suggested templates that might assist you in drafting your concerns and communication.

For members who have not yet accessed the MNU Portal, you will need to first create an account and password. Please visit then click Sign Up Now. You will use your MNU ID number.

If you require a password reset, you can find the link on the Member Portal sign in page. Please note that you must already have an email address on file in order to reset your password.

If you require further assistance, contact the Membership Department at

‘Channel Your Inner CouRAGE’ not only speaks to the gravity of the situation nurses currently find themselves in, but to the advocacy for both nurse and patient safety. Nurses have shown incredible courage during the COVID-19 pandemic on a multitude of levels. The capitalization of ‘RAGE’ is meant to highlight the dissatisfaction with the provincial government’s health care reforms, pandemic response and of course, four years without a collective agreement.
All T-shirts are $25 each and are available in crew and V-neck styles, available in three colours (white, charcoal and black), and come in various sizes. The white V-neck is a women’s fit, while the charcoal and black crew necks are a unisex fit.
To place an order email the Workplace 10 with your information: Name, crew or V neck style, size and colour.

Unisex Crew Neck t-shirt size


Womens Vneck t-shirt size