Happy Nurses Week Message

A Message To Fellow Nurses At HSC

We have been called Heroes and there have been parades of recognition.
Children want NURSE action figures!
The Pandemic has highlighted the work nurses do – the risks we take to provide care, the challenges of providing care in difficult circumstances.
Ultimately we are human beings doing our best in uncertain times and situations.
We ask only for respect, honesty, and recognition for the difficult work we do and the sacrifices we make to do it.
These are unusual circumstances and times. It isn’t a time for real celebrations, but it is the Year of the Nurse and Midwife as well as Nursing Week, so please recognize one another with a smile (under your mask) a kind word or gesture, perhaps a nod of understanding – but take a moment to know that the world is truly a better place because all of you are in it doing what you do.
Thanks for everything you do now and always!

In solidarity
Your Workplace 10 MNU President
Lana Penner