Shifts and Rotations

Master Rotations

Please refer to Article 1504 where Meaningful consultations is defined. Every nurse is entitled to a master rotation. Once hours of work are scheduled, they cannot be changed without mutual consent/agreement. This includes start and stop times of shifts. Over the Christmas New Year’s schedule or heavy vacation months like summer, some exceptions can be mutually agreed. Please contact Workplace 10 should you have further questions or concerns.

Additional Available Shifts

Prior to scheduled hours being posted; Additional Available shifts may be offered to nursing staff. The process of awarding these shifts follow this schedule.

  • Draft of additional available shits are posted
  • Part time nurses and casual staff may sign up

They will be awarded to part timers at straight time and to casual next. Then to nurses from another classification. If all of these options have been fulfilled, then voluntary overtime may be offered based on Employers’ needs. . Overtime should be offered to all nurses qualified and distributed in an equitable manner.